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University of Nairobi

The Institute has been influential in development policy thinking in Kenya and the African region by providing research support to the government, the private sector and civil society as well as international development partners. Research findings by scholars at the IDS influence policy-thinking and anchor decision- making in Kenya. For example, IDS pioneered the concept of SMEs in Kenya through its Jua Kali research and policy articulation in the 1980s. IDS also produced the Kenya National Human Development Report for three consecutive years (2002, 2003, and 2004).

QuETT Masire | Former Botswana President

Research |

IDS research, teaching and training priorities are framed into four broad themes

Notable Researchers |

IDS Renowned Researchers

The Institute has been home to several Nobel Laureates and world-renowned scholars. These include James Tobin, winner of Nobel Prize in Economics (1981); Joseph Stiglitz, Winner of Nobel Prize in Economics (2000); Michael Todaro, the development economist who authored the Todaro Migration Model; James Coleman, a world-renowned sociologist; Bethwell Ogot, a world renowed historian and co-founder of IDS; and Charles Okidi, the first African recipient of the Elizabeth Haub Prize in Environmental law (1984), the highest Global award in environmental law. Many other international scholars started and built their academic careers at the IDS.

Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz

Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz

Winner of Nobel Prize in Economics (2000). He was a Senior Research Fellow, Social Science Division, Institute for Development Studies, University College, Nairobi (under Rockefeller Foundation Grant), 1969-1971.

Prof. Bethwell Ogot

Prof. Bethwell Ogot

A world-renowned historian and co-founder of IDS.  An author, historian, and scholar, Prof.Ogot is one of Africa's pre-eminent scholars. He specialises in African history, research methods, and theory.

Events |

Upcoming Workshops, Seminars and other Events
17 October

IDS seminar themed “The AMID Young Professional Traineeship Program: A Transformative Experience for Organizations and Trainees." 

2-3PM EAT   - 
The Institute for Development Studies at the University of Nairobi (IDS-UoN) and Radboud University–Netherlands are pleased to invite you to a seminar themed “The AMID Young Professional Traineeship Program: A Transformative Experience for Organizations and Trainees."  This seminar aims to provide insights into the AMID YP program, a one-year master traineeship that combines learning with practical experience. It offers organizations access to skilled talent, increased staff capacity, and contributions to development goals. 

Latest News & Activities |

News & Announcements

Postgraduate Studies |

Enroll to IDS for a full time Masters and PhD Programme in Development Studies.
160 +
Total no of Alumni
18 +
IDS Staff
Academic Programmes
Graduate Support
How to Apply