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Devolution in Kenya: Strengthening Systems for Public Participation

Submitted by wnyukuri on March 19, 2021

The Kenyan legal framework obligates the national and county governments to involve the
people in the decision making process. To achieve this ideal, county governments are required
to establish structures to facilitate citizen participation in their operations. This policy brief sheds
light on some of the issues that counties should focus on so as to institutionalize and strengthen
systems for public participation in county decision making processes.

Devolution in Kenya: Strengthening Systems for Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

Submitted by wnyukuri on March 19, 2021

To track progress in service delivery and inform decision making, counties are required to
create systems for monitoring, evaluation and reporting. This policy brief sheds light on some
issues that counties should focus on to strengthen their monitoring, evaluation and reporting

Please click on this link to access the policy brief

What do Kenyans Know About Devolution? Survey Evidence on Political Knowledge and Public Opinion

Kenya’s devolved system seeks to strengthen service delivery by localizing public participation in policy and legislative processes. However, this objective assumes the existence of high levels of civic competence and citizens’ ability to correctly attribute responsibility to different tiers of government. This raises an important question: What do Kenyans know about devolution and its implications for access to government services, public participation, inter-governmental division of labour, and subnational politicians’ performance?

Devolution in Kenya: Strengthening Human Resources and Administrative Structures

Submitted by wnyukuri on March 16, 2021

The creation of county governments following Constitution of Kenya 2010 meant that the new
units had to put in place systems to manage their human resources and other administrative
functions for effective service delivery. This policy brief sheds light on some of the issues that
counties should focus on so as to strengthen systems for human resources and administrative
structures in their areas of jurisdiction.

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