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The Politics of Decentralization and Service Delivery in Africa and the Arab World.

12 Noon - 2:00p.m. EAT

The Politics of Decentralization and Service Delivery in Africa and the Arab World.

The Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi (IDS) is the prime partner in a two-year research project that examines how decentralization impacts relations between citizens and the state and elites' incentives to provide public goods. The project is collaborative multi-regional research carried out by scholars from Sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya and Zimbabwe) and North Africa (Morocco and Tunisia).

The second international seminar on decentralization, governing elites, and service delivery will run on the theme; “The politics of decentralization and service delivery in Africa and the Arab World.” The discussions will assess the politics underlying different pathways to decentralization. Further, question how and why political consensus/ dissensus implicates the theoretical promises of decentralization and its achievements and challenges in the
provision of public goods in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab World. Keynote addresses from decentralization experts in the two African regions will initiate the discussion and reflections from the forum.

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The Politics of Decentralization and Service Delivery in Africa and the Arab World.
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