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Kenya’s Good Governance Moment

IDS+Wilton Park

Kenya’s Good Governance Moment

The Conference on Kenya’s Good Governance Moment, At Home, Regionally and Globally was organised by Wilton Park and the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), University of Nairobi, with the support of the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) in Kenya. This virtual meeting was held on two separate days; Monday 15 and Friday 19 March 2021, from 1030-1330 GMT/1330-1630 EAT.

During the deliberations, the Conference explored key issues around governance and identified recommendations for developing and extending ongoing work to promote positive change. Specifically, the meeting aimed at:

1. Identifying means and measures for building a strong and independent open society, drawing lessons from the implementation of the 2010 Constitution.

2. Identifying appropriate linkages between Kenya’s state and non-state actors and determining how the international community can best support them.

3. Deliberating how Kenya’s forthcoming 2022 elections can be more inclusive, fair, peaceful and credible.

4. Identifying how Kenya can use the opportunities of the current period, including its non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and building back from COVID-19, to project and progress good governance at the regional and global level.

The meeting brought together key actors actively involved in advancing the quest for good governance in Kenya. Participants were drawn from the government, civil society, media, and the international community. The government had representation from national and county levels, with the national government being represented by policymakers from the three arms of government (executive, judiciary, and legislature), constitutional commissions and independent bodies. Representatives from the county executive and assemblies were also present. Civil society representatives were drawn from international, regional, and national organisations and there was a fair representation of media as well as the private sector and business community representatives in attendance.

Click here to view the report, and here to view the conference recommendations.