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Kenya Transport Research Network to Host Forum on Socially Just Public Transport

The Kenya Transport Research Network (KTRN) based at the Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi, and the Socially Just Public Transport Working Group - facilitated by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung-Kenya, (FES Kenya) - will host an informal discussion on “Promoting a Socially Just Public Transport and the Role of Actors in Kenya.”

Dr Kinyanjui Recalls Research Challenges and Points Way Forward

IDS Senior Research Fellow, Dr Mary Kinyanjui, presented a seminar entitled, “Towards an African Economic Geography:   Challenges and Lessons Learned”, at the University of Nairobi Towers on November 21, 2019.

Dr Mary Kinyanjui to Outline Reasons and Challenges in the Conceptualization of an African Economic Geography

In 1992 Dr Mary Kinyanjui, a Senior Research Fellow at IDS, returned to Kenya after obtaining her PhD in Geography from Cambridge University.

The scholar’s experiences in two Kenyan universities will be the gist of her seminar, “Towards an African Economic Geography: Lesson Learned from Development Studies Research.” 

Prof Cheeseman Speaks on Authoritarianism, Democracy and Development

“If you had been given a choice of which kind of political system to be born into, would you choose authoritarianism or democracy?”

This is the question that Nic Cheeseman, Professor of Democracy at the University of Birmingham, posed during a packed seminar hosted by the Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi, on November 14, 2019. 

University to Host ARUA Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution

The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), in partnership with the University of Nairobi, will host an international conference and workshops on 18-20 November 2019 under the theme “Africa and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Defining a Role for Research Universities.”

Prof Nic Cheeseman to Speak on Authoritarianism in Africa

Prof Nic Cheeseman will present a seminar on the history of authoritarian rule in Africa during the IDS Seminar series on November 14, 2019. The seminar, “Does Authoritarianism or Democracy Work better for development in Africa?” will explore authoritarian regimes that have existed on the continent, including one-party states, military rule, and personal dictatorships.