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Mr. Njoka John M

Mr. Njoka John M
Reseach Fellow

Research Fellow, Institute for Development Studies. John is a social development and protection expert. He is an experienced researcher and trains graduate students on research methodology.

Contact Info
P.O. Box 30197-00100, GPO, Nairobi, Kenya
B.A. (UoN)
M.A. (UoN)
PhD (UoN) Ongoing
Profile Summary

Research Fellow, Institute for Development Studies. John is a social development and protection expert. He is an experienced researcher and trains graduate students on research methodology. John has consulted for international agencies as well as governments within Africa including Save the Children, UNICEF and Terre des Hommes Netherlands. All of them work with refugees and displaced persons in Kenya and the region. Between 2013 and 2015, John worked with Save the Children Regional Office for East and Southern Africa with a focus on durable solutions for refugees and displaced persons. He has been at IDS since 1995.

Key qualifications include the following: · Baseline survey/research and needs assessments; · Programme and project monitoring and evaluation; · Project Cycle Management; · Project design, development and management; · Capacity assessments and strengthening; · Participatory development processes; · Facilitation of stakeholder engagement processes at local, national and international levels; · Detailed analysis, clear writing of reports & excellent presentation skills for all levels of audiences.
