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The African Governance Architecture Support Project Close Out & Dissemination Event

Stakeholders present in the event.

The African Governance Architecture Support Project Close Out & Dissemination Event

The African Governance Architecture Support Project held a Close Out & Dissemination Event on the 22nd and 23rd of May 2024 at the Trademark Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. In his keynote address, Prof. Karuti Kanyinga, Director IDS, reflected on several key thematic areas. He noted that there is limited coordination and harmonization of rules, policies, engagements, and networking across Africa by different institutions. Often, instead of complementing each other's efforts, we tend to compete.

He further noted that in most African countries, there is limited use of data and knowledge in policy formulation and implementation.
The AGA-SP project has provided extensive support to the Organs and institutions of the African Union that constitute the AGA Platform namely the Pan African Parliament, African Commission on Human and Peoples
Rights (ACHPR), the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), the African Court on Human and Peoples'​ Rights (AfCHPR), the African Committee on Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (hashtag#ACERWC), the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (African Union ECOSOCC), the AUC PAPS specifically to AGA-APSA Secretariat.
The technical and resource support focused on four key outcome areas: (1) popularization, ratification and implementation of AU shared values; (2) citizens participation and engagement; (3) enhanced coordination and synergy of AGA Platform Members; and 4) capacity strengthening
of the organs.

The meeting aimed at disseminating the results, outcomes, and impact of the project, raise awareness of the work of the African Union organs and consolidate existing networks and encourage stakeholders to utilize the key successes and lessons beyond the project period.