Over the years the IDS has nurtured a pool of collaborators, donors and clients which include:
- International donor organisations: World Bank, SSATP;
- International development organisations: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), UNDP, TDR/WHO, ILO; DfID, IDRC, USAID-Ahadi, Ford Foundation, Trocaire, Rockefeller
- Foundation and Aga Khan Foundation;
- Universities: Units within the University of Nairobi, Roskilde University (Denmark), Copenhagen University (Denmark), University of Leeds (UK), IDS Sussex (UK), Michigan University (USA), Johns Hopkins University (USA), Manchester University (UK), and Mzumbe University (Tanzania) among many other African universities.
- Government ministries and departments: National Transport and Safety Authority; the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development (MoTIHUD); the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), the Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA), and the National Social Protection Secretariat (NSPS);
- Civil society organisations: Kenya Alliance of Residents Association; Global Labour Institute (Manchester), International Transport Workers Federation; Trade Unions; NGOs and CBOs among many other stakeholders.
Current partners are listed in individual projects in the project section.